Working together closely with Herr Schwarzenberger from Halle, we developed abstract so-called \"flying dinosaurs\". We were continually trying to get to the very essence of these dinosaurs in our form-simplification efforts. The children should nevertheless be able to recognize the object as a dinosaur instantly. The large head can be walked upon and the trunk is skeletal - as are the flat wings. The form and the height of the various interactive elements needed to comply with the safety requirements discussed with an appraiser in advance. As only water-bound path surfacing is installed as fall impact protection, the maximum permissible height is just under 1-meter. The other decks leading up to the tunnel slide were made safe in a different fashion.
In July of 2008, we were able to present design ideas for our flying dinosaur during a public officials’ meeting in Halle. Herr Schwarzenberger was able to convince the board of the merits of our design. The project was then executed within a second construction phase.