Here, we were able to contribute our designs to the park playground concept developed by the landscape architect office of Levin Monsigny in Berlin. The plans envisioned a lively city park environment for mixed use.
The basic design idea used for the playground can be summed up as “the field. “ A wood and steel structure is meant to symbolize “grass blades.” Here, the various stages of work in the fields influence the character of play. There is, for example a “spider web” field and a “finds” field (old crates and tires lying among the stems). Next to this is a freshly-mowed “stubble” field and additional fields.
Various play situations have been added (suspended) in between the grass blades. Another token of diversity is the various color variations and resonance in the fields. From a distance, radiant colors give the field its vegetation-like, natural expression and the slightly skewed positioning of the individual blades gives the impression of a delicate breeze blowing across the field.
Thus an interesting climbing and crawling environment emerges across an area of 641 square meters. It is suitable for all ages and incorporates all degrees of difficulty. In the fields, the child becomes a bug - though without having to worry about being stepped on.