Carsten Obst and Frank Zimmer are ZIMMER.OBST GmbH’s managing directors and creative heads. The former is a wood designer by trade while the latter is a qualified designer. Together, they already have more than 20 years of combined experience in the area of playground design.
Even before the founding of ZIMMER.OBST GmbH, the twain worked together successfully on numerous projects. As a team, they take advantage of synergies encouraged by their creative work environment to develop innovative play ideas.
The work of an “artistic wood designer” is characterized by sound carpenter’s craftsmanship and the superior ability to carry out customized implementation of our designs. An ability to think creatively and extensive experience are indispensible requirements for our (always) customized, artistic projects. Apart from these skills, our craftsmen must also be very familiar with the play equipment safety requirements as outlined in the EN 1176. The creative execution of the design must at all times be in full compliance – both in our workshop and on-site during assembly - with the norms described therein.
The suitability of a new employee for this kind of work is not fully revealed until a phase a training and adjustment in our company has been completed over several months. Things that are apparently simple, for example, working without a spirit level, can occasionally seem insurmountable. But our designs emphasize “curves” and “tilted structures.” To properly master this kind of work you need a keen sense and feel for a project and the tools beyond measuring instruments. What is also important for the quality and design of projects is an exchange of ideas and experiences with other staff members in our workshop.

Zimmer, Frank
managing director / graduate designer
Obst, Carsten
managing director / wood designer
Heckt, Charlotte
Assistant of the management / publicity
Liebich, Michael
project manager
Schmidt, Christian
Projektleiter Produktion
Bracki, Diana
official in charge
Mauche, Steffen
official in charge
Gräfe, Silke
accountant / Workshop and site management
Engel, Katrin
layout / offer
Greiner-Szczotko, Susann
layout / offer
Czicha, Nicole
layout / offer
Egkert, Thorsten
Zeichner / Designer
Albersmann, Sascha
Head of engineering / Dipl.-Ing.
Buß, Sylvia
technician / CAD draftsman
Hansen, Henning
purchaser / calculation
Ewald, Thomas
foreman / carpenter
Briesenick, Mirko
workshop foreman / joiner
Näther, Christoph
Jakubeit, Olaf
Reinwald, Jens
foreman / carpenter
Reschke, Andreas
Richter, Daniel
foreman / carpenter
Sternberg, Lars
foreman / joiner
Baganz, Sven
Production helper
Freygang, Daniel
Jacoby, Pascal
Keßler, Ralf
Ziehm, Yves
Bloch, Jens
Braune, Jens
Heurich, Matthias
production helper
Hristo, Sasho
production helper
Kaiser, Ulf
Kotzan, Steven
production helper
Lieske, Nico
Miatke, Christian
Radkiewicz, Cezary
Schust, Peter
Schröter, Tim
trainee wood mechanic
Spieß, Joachim
Production helper
Tietz, Mathias
production helper
Zimmer, Herbert
Facharbeiter / Metall
Lange, Moritz
Azubi Holzmechaniker
Schäfer, Tim
Azubi Holzmechaniker